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Religious Education Sacramental Preparation
Reconciliation – Eucharist – Confirmation
In order to begin preparation in 2nd grade for the sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion the children must have completed first grade in Religious Education or a Catholic School. A letter will be sent to all 2nd grade students in the fall regarding sacramental preparation classes.
If you have an older student who needs sacramental preparation please contact the office for further information. Phone 201-288-4844 (ext. 142) or cchhreled@aol.com
Reconciliation – First Penance
After completing First Grade, the immediate preparation for this sacrament begins in Second Grade. Parents are required to attend Sunday Mass regularly with their children and attend special meetings prior to the celebration of the sacrament. Along with the parish preparation classes, parents are given informational packets to assist them in preparing their children at home. The Celebration of the sacrament takes place on a Saturday in late January. The children also participate in a retreat, “Our Father Day” a time set aside to further prepare them to participate in this sacrament of God’s forgiveness.
Eucharist – First Holy Communion
The immediate preparation for this sacrament begins in the latter part of Second Grade. Parents are required to continue to attend Mass regularly with their children. There is also a special meeting for parents to attend. Packets are given to parents with all information necessary to prepare and celebrate this gift of God’s great love… Jesus. A retreat experience, “JESUS DAY” will be celebrated prior to First Communion. Dates for the celebration of this sacrament are given out in the fall. The First Communion celebrations take place in April and May.
Young people may enroll in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation once they completed their formal religious education program and are currently enrolled in an 8th grade religion class. In the spring of their 8th grade they will receive an invitation to attend a Confirmation Preparation Meeting with their parents. The program along with procedures and expectations will be introduced and outlined at the meeting. The Confirmation preparation consists of faith formation sessions, service hours, prayer, retreat experience and regular attendance at mass. The Sacrament Confirmation is usually celebrated in early November.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
An invitation is extended to anyone who seeks to become a Roman Catholic and to Catholics who want to complete their sacramental initiation with the sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation. The parish team joins you through a journey of reflection, growth, community, prayer and instruction. The RCIA is also adapted for children 7 years and older. Click here for more information.