Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey 07604      201-288-4844

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Prayer to St. Aloysius

St. Aloysius, help us to keep true to ourselves, to stay focused and refrain from temptation.  Help us give of ourselves to others, even when it seems hard.

St. Al, help us to see the world as Jesus sees it, not the way we may see it.  Help us sing the song of the Lord and no one else’s.

Give us the courage and independence to thrive as our own persons.  Help our parents to understand our gifts and flaws.

Strengthen us to take on everyday, to help us find hope when all hope is lost.

St. Al, strengthen us and protect us in times of selfishness and struggle.

We ask this through your intercession with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.



“The mission of CCTM is to lead teens closer to Christ in a safe, fun and healthy environment.”

Our teen ministry is in preparation for an amazing year.  The ministry is open to all high school teens in 9th through 12th grade.  All are invited and welcome.  You are invited to a special Youth Mass on Sunday, October 16, at 6pm in the Church.  A meet and greet with refreshments will immediately follow Mass in the school cafeteria.  We look forward to meeting you.

Upcoming Events

CCTM Prayer

God, give us the strength to go through everyday life; to accept our gifts and flaws.  Give us the strength to stand up for truth, virtue and just causes.

Thank you for what we have and what you’ve given us.  Please be with us to deal with getting through the week.

We pray for all of us to make right decisions; for our family and friends; for compassion for others; for those who serve and protect us; for those who need faith.

Please guide us to choose the right path today and everyday.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
